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Our Global Village Voice represents the pinnacle and new breed of an Information Technology Platform divorced entirely from the circus and international embarrassment of social media. Our organization and platform begin with a framework that re-envisions the entire approach to power and control. Design, development, and agenda will be born and will remain in the virtual and co-equal hands of membership alone.

Information Technology will enable and empower a perpetual global conversation and collaboration across all cultural communities of this earth. Our commitment to broadcasting and publishing in all languages possible has little to do with global reach of membership numbers. More so, it is our fervent commitment to globally Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief, of which language is an integral and invaluable component.


As the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of this earth, our agenda is simple and powerful: spread messages of hope in our combined voices for the protection, preservation, and revival of all indigenous and Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief. We will spread hope endlessly and selflessly.

Our unconditional commitment is to dialogue for the sake of learning and learning for the sake of dialogue. Nothing less. Nothing more.

A New Type of Organization and Oversight

The Global Village Voice represents a revolutionary departure from Intellectual Man’s top-down approach to collaboration and decision-making. Our introduction of a “Board of Stewards” chosen by super-majority of members will replace the age-old and easily-corruptible “Board of Directors” of modern corporations, for-profit and non-profit alike.

Our stewards will be chosen solely based upon qualifications of character and a track record of altruistic giving of self. No other skill or ability matters in these positions of honest conduit between members and the executive staff of OUR organization and platform.

Our Information Technology platform will be designed by and approved through membership votes from the first line of the digital code. Step by step, our Global Village Voice will be developed at the pace we are able to learn, think, and act as one mind and heart of intellect and virtue.

Each member will influence work and decisions equally through, which will give direction to our Board of Stewards. We will build this platform and organization from inception upward. First, dozens of minds will learn and work as one. Soon, this will increase to hundreds, thousands, millions, and more. One day, a virtual body of Actual Intelligence one-billion strong will speak to ourselves as the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of this Global Village.

This technology is not difficult. The cost is modest and negligible to free and prosperous peoples.

Membership will be free to all and for all time. Funding will come anonymously and altruistically by members who have the means to donate on behalf of the billions who cannot.

In short, the pyramid of Intellectual Man’s power structure is about to be overturned in peace. And there is not one thing he can do about it.

100% of members will get our “way.” Because “our way” is premeditated and preconceived to march wherever our 80% leads us.

One to remain one and many.

About the Podcast Author

Troy Marcus Grooms

Troy is a Global Villager who did not know he was one until quite recently.

Late one evening in October 2019, he had the idea of his lifetime. He was and remains a husband to a wonderful woman, a father to three beautiful and grown children, a small business owner, and an all-around virtuous and honorable person with more than a few stubborn mortal flaws.

This I.T. Platform “idea” conceived in the legacy of his mentors Martin Luther King, Jr. and Benjamin Franklin turned loose a journey to seeing, understanding, and peeling away countless layers of ignorance of his intellectual and spiritual mind in the mirror.

Shortly after the idea was conceived, the power for good it was capable of became powerfully self-evident, a power that mandated a simple decision to give the idea to you. This decision energized endless self-discovery and drive, which still seem to come endlessly from nowhere.

Two years ago, a good and decent man, Troy was a taker from this world and ignorant to it. A worshiper of self and blind to it. A private person by nature, being anonymous behind this gift was his initial desire. That was before seeing and believing the doubt and uncertainty anonymity would be capable of creating in your mind alone.

In our culturally polarized and distrustful reality, the giver of this gift must be known and must convince you as to the full altruistic nature and intent of the gift.

Troy is here to convince you to accept a gift wrapped altruistically in messages of his inner journey to the endlessly greater understanding.

It may look and feel like he’s never going to stop trying. Because he never will.

Transparency requires links (below) so you know Troy is this real person. Discretion is appreciated.