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Hello and thank you for making it here.

Please accept my apologies for the cryptic access to this page. I consider these letters over the span of a few days to be personal communications – not intended for social-media passersby

What I say here we all know and understand well in our intellectual minds.

Respectfully, I am not speaking here to our “intellectual minds.”

I know nothing of your culture, Faith, or mortal existence. Nor can I know the forms and depths of your challenges, pain, and suffering. What I do know is you feel and experience all of these things. I hope my English words translate the intended messages into your culture and language. Please see through any and all of my ignorance.

Knowing these will be my first and last welcome messages to you made it difficult to decide what must be said. I hope this chosen assortment finds and hits home within you.

Many of you are on or well ahead of me on this path to greater understanding. My writings represent only my current state on this journey. You are me, and I am you.

Thank you.


November 26, 2021. Welcome

I begin by asserting a few of our most consequential living realities to set the undeniable stage for this revolution.

Unelected and powerful men rule this world. Some rule shamelessly as dictators and kings. While others hide and rule shamefully above and behind representative governments and democracies. It is time we understand each and all are one and the same. They create, sustain, feed and fight one another as they have for all time.

Rise to power by the “sword”, and we will fall to it in violence. From my understanding, this represents a mortal truth regardless of our Faith or Belief. It also seems a rational and reasoned certainty and inevitability.

All Nation-states of this earth were taken by and remain protected by “the sword”.  So what does this mean for the future of humanity? I believe we all know, see, and feel what it means. The predictable human roller-coaster of destruction as men seek, take, and hold onto power has persisted for all recorded time.

Many Nation-states in history rose to power and became beautiful living examples on the spectrum of living in freedom with justice. Each created unique forms of art, culture, ceremony, architecture, pursuits of the mind, and Faith.

As these nations prospered, peoples developed appetites for their creations of mind and earth along with growing desires of “more” for self. Eventually their pace and magnitude of consumption could not be fulfilled within their defended borders. Each began to import resources in lavish items of jewels, spices, fabric, goods, sustenance, etc.

These prosperous masses of peoples were unable to see the plagues of servitude, slavery, and tyranny their consumption unleashed upon the world living and breathing beyond their borders.

Each Nation-state having been born by the sword; the beauty and prosperity will fall in THE predicable cycle.

Nothing is new. We have lived this ignorant rise and fall of tyranny for 10,000 years at very least.


What is New? Information Technology. And your unique mind with access to “choice”.

Both the most powerful advancements this world has known. The virtual high-ground below only Faith and Belief. A sanctuary for personal, social or professional endeavors able to grow at will without limit.

Places and spaces where mortals are free to rise above all earthly lines and institutions of men.

Billions are suffering. Living Cultural Heritage is disappearing. Our world is burning. Our atmosphere is dying.

We will not harm anyone in the staking of this claim by universal and endowed Inalienable Right. Acquisition in peace frees us from the inevitability of being taken down by “the sword” of Intellectual Man. He will be helpless to stop us, and he will be forced to witness the peaceful demise of his own legacy. Many of him will awaken and may even decide to join and help.

We have no desire here to take wealth from Intellectual Man. He can keep it all and bathe himself in it to his heart’s content.

We are here to take his power without harming him, or us, in a multi-generational revolution of changing the way we all think and live in peace. Solidarity as one Global Village with a “truly” democratic voice of overwhelming influence.

With the invention of Information Technology – Intellectual Man has freely given us the weapon to remove him from power on this earth, once and for all. Our Global Village Voice will do just that. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Most of us with access to this virtual world are not among the billions of our sisters and brothers most in pain. We are here for each and all Global Compatriots.

We will rise in peaceful victory to this highest mortal and moral virtual ground. We will stake claim to this unlimited space and time on behalf of the Grandchildren’s Granddaughters of our Global Village alone.

We are ready to believe in something of this mortal world. Our minds and hearts are desperate and waiting for it. Here we are bound under all Faith and Belief. Science and Technology will serve here to protect Living Cultural Heritage.  

Martin Luther King, Jr. accurately proclaimed “Science investigates, religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power, religion gives man wisdom which is control. Science deals mainly with facts, religion deals with values. The two are not rivals.”

This statement is intellectually and philosophically sound. It is spiritually and faithfully sound.

The intellectual state of “enlightenment” represents the pinnacle of mortal ignorance. We each are or have been guilty of this viral form of self-worship to some degree. We are human.

Here in our Global Village we will grant no room to our enlightened selves. Our unique minds are equal in all ways. Degrees of Education mean nothing here. Political Correctness & Woke means nothing here.

Our privileged duty is dialogue for the sake of learning and learning for the sake of dialogue restrained under our common virtue and shared self-evident truth. This selfless service is incompatible with intellectual enlightenment of any variety.

What I am about to state will certainly be viewed as forbidden logic to Intellectual Man in and of us. We are here to face and voice the hardest of our common-truths and not to punish those willing to speak of them in peace.

The minds of men willing to fly airplanes and drive truck bombs into buildings has nothing and “everything” to do with the true evil destroying this world.

Airplanes and trucks did not destroy countless and thousands of years’ worth of irreplaceable Living Cultural Heritage woven deeply into Faith and Belief around this globe.

 Intellectual Man’s ever-growing and quenchless desire for wealth, power, and conquest represent the only evil that has perpetrated this multi-generational carnage and destruction. This scourge of cultural destruction rages-on today.

Free and blind consumer Nation-states fuel the destruction of all living bodies of cultural heritage. True even within their own borders. These invasive nations are blessed by the United Nations and protected by the iron dome of “Constitutions”, each unleashing globally-protected tyrants of businessmen to rape our earth and pillage our heritage at will.

This truth is brutal to all on the receiving end. If faced in full witness, this truth is disturbingly brutal to minds and hearts of free consumers. Face this truth and you will feel their pain. You will feel their suffering.

When we become blind to skin color, creed, and citizenship in the two-way mirror, the consumer enemy within appears with crystal clarity. Then, we can forgive the reflection and turn away together from our behavior in peace and solidarity with those on the losing end of it.

If Freedom and Justice are to live and breathe, self-worship must have a universally-known and believed antithesis in the minds of Intellectual Man—a self-evident truth if there ever were one.

Given Intellectual Man cannot or will not answer and bow to a Creator, Faith, or Belief – we will give him freely the Global Village to hear clearly, look up to, and answer to on moral, ethical, and faithful grounds. A Global Peoples with Creators-All within and at our backs.

This revolution is likely not the one you have been looking for; however, it is the revolution that has been looking and waiting for you and me.

A membership of one equal Global Villager represents my sole and invaluable reward for the last two years of inner-work and all volunteer efforts ahead in transitioning this gift to you. A “gift” represented the only way for me to believe I am equally you on this Global Village Voice. This platform and organization are no more mine than yours or anyone’s. They are no less mine than yours or anyone’s.

Coming to terms with this upside-down and inside-out model of organizationally shared power and control does not come easily to the mind’s eye. We are not trained and indoctrinated to think as one people outside the bonds of practiced Faith and Belief. A deficit of educationally programmed ignorance we must and will change in this world.

One people standing firm in unconditional solidarity represents the only terrifying threat to Intellectual Man. This truth is historically validated whether the masses wield pitchforks and torches, knives and swords, or guns and tanks.

The “solidarity” Intellectual Man fears most is one of unflinching peace. He will listen and even bow to leaders of peace in public. That is until masses of people stand in solidarity with “these” leaders. Suddenly, each peaceful leader becomes Enemy #1 to the Nation-state of power.

Intellectual Man will never permit us to be one people within his many colosseums of political games, self-righteous battles, and unwinnable wars. Free minds and hearts are simply not permitted to compete for power by his design with purpose.

Beyond our living years, our world will heal and become whole with the fullness of each Living Cultural Heritage under Faith intact, protected, honored, and empowered in self-rule within a world of safely dissolving lines of Intellectual Man’s denigrated Nation-states of control.

The human mind, outside its own vacuum in collaboration is capable of designing and building anything it can imagine. We will be empowered to give this gift of a better world ahead when we are able and willing to envision it together.

Martin Luther King, Jr. proclaimed this abstract vision as witnessed from “The Mountaintop” in his final speech the night before Intellectual Man took him from us.

The abstract ability to envision what will be, can be, or might be represents a gift beyond mere self-awareness. In this revolution visions in and of the abstract will be set free millions of minds to explore our living mortality and how we choose to fit within the grandest scheme of Faithful, Biological, and Universal Life.

We as a species represent the caretaker and steward of all known life. We must learn to see, learn to understand, and learn to believe this supreme truth of our mortal existence.

Whether we are a believer in and of the Nation of Islam or the staunch scientific mind of evolution or a Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist, all honest minds understand there is no intellectual, spiritual, scientific, or philosophical reasoning capable of countering this claim to our endowed duty and obligation as mortal man.

This duty represents full and unadulterated truth, with no need to question it. Doing so is a fool’s errand, not unlike an animal chasing their tail in a backward self-obsession.

A full 80% of us are good and decent people. This one resolute belief was and remains the daily genesis of my journey’s fuel. I feel as if I am speaking right in front of you with no need to worry about what you look like. I can see and hear those physical things all over the internet, television, and streets. I am speaking to your unique mind free of our colors, our creeds and with deep respect for any and all differences in our Faith and Belief.

Whatever “Higher Power” you bow to; I will kneel respectfully and humbly at your side. This represents the promise of Solidarity to our Sisterhood and Brotherhood in this Global Village Voice.

If we cannot learn to believe in and of one another, we will remain incapable of loving one another. Without love to bind us, we will perish as one, a cyclical and prophetic truth with undeniable historical evidence and proof.

What each of us gives to this Global Village Voice serves no interest to self – our voice, our vote, our support – be it financial or of self. Everything we give here belongs to only the seventh generation sisterhood of our shared future.

For thousands of years, countless indigenous people’s heritages served this same generational scope as a living framework of duty and obligation to foundation laying and building. Much of Native American heritage served seven generations ahead, seven behind, and the living as one body of peoples.

The “7th Generation Principle” was written into the Great Law and “Constitution” of the Iroquois Confederacy of Five, and later Six, nation tribes in the year 1550. Today known as the State of New York in America. From my understanding the oldest living participatory democracy on our earth.

A sample of this doctrine:

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.”

These cultures honed and perfected this model of safety, security, prosperity, and freedom over millennia of time. A peaceful and orderly transfer of power from one-generation to another. The faithful transfer of required knowledge and awareness. The transfer of a living doctrine, ceremony, culture, and belief. Indigenous Cultural Man holds all of these generational transfers as one and the same power.

Intellectual Man teaches “Liberty and Justice” to his youth. Never are the true founders of global freedom included in his indoctrination of knowledge and understanding. He teaches from the perspective of self-worship.

Our revolution will be remembered for what it is. The slightest of tipping-points in change to our intellectual way of thinking regarding Justice and Freedom for All.  A change to believe in our single mortality. Each and all with a higher and universal purpose.

We will work our way “back” to Cultural Man by giving rise to him within and in peace.

One – to remain one – and many.

Intellectual Man’s revolutions throw countless bodies at challenges to his power, station, and wealth. Each time, he convinces the infantry that “this time will be different” and that “this time it isn’t about the power, the station, and the wealth.”

Promises in heart, waves of mortal bodies charge to their end, with only hope for all who might live to enjoy the land of promises made.

Our Global Village Voice promises will be defined as they are fulfilled. As gifts-given. We will not promise hope. We will deliver it virtually tangible in cultural and faithful service.

A common-belief that together we are stronger, better, and more just. A belief that Living Cultural Heritage bound under Faith will protect our Freedom and Justice far better than any government of Intellectual Man will ever be capable of.

Shared belief in our common mortality, broadly defined with our endowed duty to all known life.

There is another seemingly controversial message ahead.

A strong and respectful word to we who are “comfortable” in the United States of America, a word which is likely applicable to many other free nations as well.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights from the moment of signature does not represent a departure from Intellectual Man’s desire for wealth, station, and control over the lives of those who share his self-entitled land.

Our Declaration of Independence was, and remains, the only departure from this cancerous way of thinking woven into Intellectual Man’s class-systems of haves and have not’s, a “declaration” which Intellectual Men walked away from almost immediately and permanently, just 11 short years later in signing their experiment in governance to protect self-interests without a Monarch atop the upper class of Nobility.

Our experiment strictly allowed the abomination of slavery to go unchallenged for a “legal grace period” of 20 years, the first and most costly political “kicking the can down the road” for the next generation to deal with in our Republic’s history. This founding fact and too many others, are not indoctrinated into our youth with purpose.

And of women and girls, our Republic decreed and planted permanent subjugation. Fighting 234 years later, she is still not free of those Constitutionally Written Crimes, and I am sad to say the American Sisterhood will never be free trapped under our four pages of parchment.

“Equal pay for equal work” represents a twisted lie of Intellectual Man’s subjugation of women and girls. We must seek equal pay for “equal value” to our societies of Living Cultural Heritage. Only then will women and girls be free to “choose” their path in this life, as men and boys are. “Equality” is not fulfilled in treating all as the “same”.

Our experiment endowed an invasive people to commit cultural, faithful, and mortal genocide in a grotesque and ruthless wave of death and destruction from sea to shining sea.

And our Republic continues to permit the same for nations of indigenous peoples beyond our territorial borders to this very day.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights represent the consummate and top-tier lies of all Intellectual Man, the insult and death-sentence to Indigenous Cultural Man and the unethical and immoral offense to those who died and sacrificed barely a decade before in the name of promises made in a Declaration men put on a single page of parchment and signed.

ALL of that said and believed, I Love America. Now only for its many diverse peoples and the sentiments inscribed in the Declaration of Independence.

Never again for its Signed Constitutional Parchment and Colosseum Branches of Power. The same way I’ve come to love the peoples of this earth for their true beauty and strength trapped inside Nation-state lines of purposeful oppression.

Until quite recently I could not see the “Pledge of Allegiance” for what it is: A twisted form of mental control. Unconditional allegiance to anything of mortal men will end in tyranny as it always has.

I will say this to each of us who live in free nations as a matter of duty to our Global Village. We are endowed with power billions have never had. This power we each enjoy does not belong to us. It was given us to have and to hold in stewardship and in honor of those who gave the gift at the cost of their lives, limbs, sacrifice, and suffering.

In a sudden jolt to my mind while writing episode eight of the podcast, I came to realize seeing myself as an “American” was merely bowing to a faction of our living mortality controlled by Intellectual Man’s propaganda and programming. At that moment what had been the “m80p American Voice” became the Global Village Voice. Had I known even an “ounce” of self-interests in this gift, it never would have become the m80p American Voice, much less the Global Village Voice it is today.

We must learn to see the true cost of self-interests for what they are. Self-worship at the expense of the greater good. In our creative intellectual minds, self-interests quickly and inevitably limit the potential of our creations and ideas. When we give and create free of self-interests, the mind is unbound in ways we could not have imagined.

Like many of us I began this journey looking for something “new”, only to find in living truth there is only the bedrock of truth in the old.

Each of us will take a long hard look in the mirror alone and without fanfare. Mortal, we have many transparent layers of unavoidable ignorance. We are unmistakably human.

Our mortal ignorance will be washed away by the true giving of self. Give altruistically, and we see. See, and we learn. Learn, and we gain understanding. Depth in our understanding, we will come to believe in one another.

Sincerely, Troy

November 27, 2021 Welcome

I have installed the highest level secure encryption of an EV SSL Certificate on this domain hosting account. Personal information will be used for only access to our GVV Forum of collaboration. Nothing of personal information will be disclosed or used for any other purpose.

When the inaugural GVV Tech Team “forms itself”, they will develop safe databases of our information, so we have secure voting control and validation. I am simply not qualified to do it, nor am I allowed to unilaterally as one member.

When millions of us begin to believe in ourselves in two-way mirrors under Faith, Belief, and Mantra, magical things will be conceived and born into this world. Our only duty here is to plant seeds of those unknowably clear and magical things.

Intellectual Man looks deeper and deeper into the heavens and the night’s sky speaks silently, telling him there ARE advanced beings all over this massive and endless Universe.

He creates advanced and utopian civilizations in entertainment of science fiction. Why does he not see into the best of his envisioned civilizations and choose to make them a reality here on his earth? Because he is blind to the true value and potential of his creative magnificence.

Science and Technology cannot be unchained for the common-good of an advanced society until unique minds and hearts are unchained from self-worship.

It will take us time to imagine how Information Technology and Science can be deployed to weave virtual borders of protection around our many villages of Living Cultural Heritage. We will learn to let goods and services of economic trade pass through invisible borders designed to filter out any and all threats to our ways of life from either, any, and all sides.

Yesterday and before constitute our common library of knowledge and source to deeper understanding of, belief of, and acceptance of our shared and ever-morphing understanding of history.

We can do this, and it is easy. Our barricade is forgiveness of our yesterdays, combined and not.

At very least, 80% of us are ready for this day.

Our first step onto this path of peaceful revolution is backward and blind. Our common net of forgiveness will catch you. We have your back, and it is one with ours.

One thing you need to know, understand, and believe is “what” this Global Village Voice is today. I am a one-person operation top to bottom and side to side until the moment you take it and “free” me from it. Had I brought in any outside “resources” with “interests”, this gift would have been fatally spoiled long before giving it to you. I have learned to kneel to the power of our Global Village Voice and protection for you alone.

For the podcast, I researched and found a wonderful organization to help translate, produce and broadcast these messages. “We Edit Podcasts” out of Calgary. I mention them only to express thanks for the volumes of dedicated and honorable work they have done for us.

Martin Luther King said: “Everything that we see, is the shadow cast by that which we do not see.”

Our shared power in this Global Village Voice represents more strength and virtue than all voices of human history. Larger and stronger because all of them are ONE with us in shadowed legacy. Here together we are stewards of all now-immortal legacy.

Legacy cannot live in history books. We must each travel within our mind’s eye to another era and ask ourselves if we would be followers, supporters, or disciples had we lived in the time of our cherished leaders.

Would we have been in the army or flock of their time?

Where and when would we have taken a “last” stand?

We must see ourselves in their time and with them if they are to rise within us. Our revolution is rooted deep into the best of our past. A revolution to become what each of them dreamed of, toiled for, and sacrificed to give us.

NOTHING is new.

ZERO. Or less, if possible in space-time.

We. Our cultural and suicidal roller-coaster. Our tyranny and oppression. We are NOT new.

We worship our own mortal humanity because our enlightened state blinds us to a branch still stuck “all the way” up our backside.

I place date stamps on all my writings to you because once I’ve written something to you, I am not permitted to go back and alter the message. Nor do I defend it. I’ve committed to this model for two years.

New thoughts go only into new writings. After two years of learning to write with this order, I finally started to “think” in this new order.

New energy. New thought. New time. All have been re-focused ahead, with a binocular rearview mirror with telescopic and microscopic function built-in and on-demand as needed only for knowledge of deeper and clearer understanding of now.

Our minds must be retrained to serve forward by turning and walking away from yesterday and before. This “intellectual” training begins and ends in the only place it can: in forgiveness of self in “basic training” for this Last of All Revolutions.

When we accept the “facts” that together we are “not new” and we each are “unique” we can look forward to greater and better things.

We will see that the reason we turn away from Faith and Belief has nothing at all to do with our Faith and Belief nor science of evolution.

All Faith. All Belief. Each come to us through the doctrine of men. Doctrine is of mortal men, if only by honest misinterpretation of the self-aware and ignorant mind. Practice is of mortal men, if only by the programming of institution and society beyond scripture and doctrine.

Faith itself is not of mortal men. Nor is Belief itself. We must learn to separate our Faith from the mortal world of Intellectual Man, and we must each empower our Faith in self-reform of peace and forgiveness.

Together, we will take all our Faith and Belief “back” and into ourselves.  Before we do this we will take back our unique minds and hearts from Intellectual Man and his backward way of all thinking.

We will be free to march effortlessly ahead having unloaded all baggage. Now born by all as one.



November 30, 2021 Welcome

Clarity in our purpose is grounded in the fundamental truth of our mortality. I cannot make the following point strongly enough.

If each of us does not believe our mind is wholly unique we are intellectually and spiritually incapable of believing in one another. If our minds are not one of a kind, we are merely defined by the color of our skin and are incapable of rising above our creed in service to any greater good beyond self.

We are either each unique, or we are animals. There is no other requisite understanding of what Intellectual Man calls self-awareness.

For the salvation of Intellectual Man we will ask him to “choose” to leave the branch of animal in peace. His brilliant mind will come to see there is no other way off “his” scientifically sound and petrified branch.

When he lets go his branch he will find himself “one” with all Faith and Belief. His awakening will appear “unbelievable” to his whole mind, a mind that will quickly and suddenly untwist itself with humility and inner awe.

Are we capable of looking deep into the genesis of Intellectual Man and forgiving one and all so that we may live free of him and with him?

Intellectual Man has been torturing this world and making slaves of one another’s “societies” for a very long time.

For this Global Village we are here to forgive what IS harbored within us and we are here for the revival of what WAS the best in and of us. We will seize the best of Intellectual Man’s historical assets and we will relegate the worst of him to detail in readily accessible and indoctrinated historical records.

The path from Intellectual Man to Cultural Man will not be an intellectually easy journey. It will span seven generations, as it must. We have nothing to teach one another unless we perform it first through our children in peace.

Are we able to see the self-worship in forcefully “teaching” the grown and programmed mind?

Forcing the likes of “Critical Race Theory” into any grown and programmed mind and heart is cruel and represents self-worship on full display. Not because the topic does not contain truth but because the truth it teaches is the “other-half” NOT being planted in the understanding of young minds and hearts.

When we attempt to fight half-truth with the other half of it alone, we are simply fighting propaganda with equal propaganda. A “practice” born in the twisted lesser of two evils mentality.

The way we teach history is “segregated” and represents the self-fulfilling prophecy of division and societal discontent.

We are not “bad” people for teaching this ill-conceived way. We are ignorant to the supreme mortal power of the half-truth. The half-truth is the most powerful propaganda there will ever be.

Adolf Hitler once proclaimed, “Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”

Our history is whole. It is beautiful and it is ugly. When we teach the fullness of all truth to our young minds in the right order and time, the past forgives itself in solidarity ahead. We will not fight Intellectual Man with his own weapons of mass-destruction and mass-deception.

Again. This may not be the revolution you have been looking for; however it is the one that has been looking and waiting for you. No longer waiting for “me”.

It is time, and I believe that we still have time to turn this world around in peace.

Cultural Man teaches the right things at the right time in optimal order as indoctrination for growing hearts and minds.

I am suggesting for member consideration that we envision and promote the concept of a single kindergarten-age course for all free nation’s systems of public education. With the deep involvement of all Faiths, Beliefs, and Mantras, this simple course will consolidate our common virtue and self-evident truth, consistent with core, common, and shared tenants.

Peoples of free nations would then demand their governments implement it. When millions of citizens present this single grade course curriculum to our Governments, our treetops of chimp-monkeys will not be able to say no. An obvious outcome hindered by “only” our inability to act as one in our common self-interests.

Our voice is one of togetherness and common influence. Powerful, peaceful, and endless influence.

I say the following humbly as one with the audience addressed.

Citizens in the United States of America and peoples of “free” nations represent the primary mortal threat to all Grandchildren’s Granddaughters of this world. Our threat is not power. Our threat is the masses of ignorance buried within brilliant and free minds.

Americans and few others are free to rise above our governments in peace and safety. With this great individual right and power comes great responsibility for the full body of those endowed.

We must indoctrinate “good for goods’ sake” in the earliest taxpayer funded education. If our governments and politicians resist, our one too many Departments of Public Education must be disbanded and dissolved in their entirety. We would have no “choice” but to free our teachers and children from perverse neglect which results in a body of self-worship in our society at large.

Again to the evil mind of Hitler: “He alone who owns the youth, gains the future”.

When the “ends justify the means” in the mind of self-worship, propaganda becomes a self-righteous weapon of half-truth, and our isolated and individual minds of faction have no immunity to this evil.

Only together and through our youth can we hope to resist the endless supply of charlatans and false-prophets in this world.

Below is how I “paraphrase” Martin Luther King, Jr.’s message to all of us.

“Are you ready to fight? Or would you rather win?”

“Revolution” is not war. Revolution represents a mere moment of solidarity, after which men climb to power at any and all cost of all-out war.

“Houses of Worship” are not Faith but institutions of mortal men serving Faith. There is intellectually and spiritually nothing in that last sentence which insults or demeans any Religious Faith or Practiced Belief of this world.

Institutions of men are not Faith. Even the best of them. This is not about one Faith but all.

The consequential correlation is this.

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights ARE NOT the Declaration of Independence so many died and sacrificed for the “chance” a single page of parchment would live on as the law of a new land.

All “houses” of Intellectual Man will become self-righteous and corrupted in temptation to serve self-interests.

Houses of Congress.  Halls and Chambers of Justice. Houses of home.

And too often Houses of Worship.

Intellectual Man purposefully “misinterprets” his charge from above. He re-writes it at will of men alone.

He transcribes it with his “twist” of self-worship of a unique and ignorant mortal man.

It is time we choose to rise with our faith, above the institutions of men and do so “with” them in peace.

ALL Institutions of Men.

ANY true leader of Faith or Belief would encourage us to rise and would serve selflessly the coattails of this revolution. Those leaders of Faith and Belief who will not lead us from behind are nothing more than charlatans and false-prophets. The same is true for ALL “political” leaders.

When millions of voices ask THE Inalienable Right questions in the light of day, good men will bow and so will bad men. It is time for Intellectual Man to have a “re-set” under the common-tenants of every single Faith and Belief as the only “foundation” for Liberty and Justice to be built upon in peace, patience, and with the fullness of the Global Sisterhood and Brotherhood acting in the complementary terms of our endowed strength and fortitude.

The greatest humans to have ever lived are known to us all, a very, very small and virtuously tight-knit few mortals in all of human history who “gave all” in and of themselves to us altruistically.

It is estimated that roughly 107 billion unique mortal minds have lived and breathed on this earth.

Our known few dozen of these greatest human beings represent an infinitely and supremely small percentage of all mortal life.

Instead of writing the decimal form, I will write the percentage of our greatest in word form. Our supreme mortals equal three quadrillion three hundred sixty-four trillion four hundred eighty-five billion nine hundred eighty-one million three hundred eight thousand four hundred eleven ten-septillionths of all mortal life to have ever lived and breathed on this globe.

Each of their gifts of self, are free to be resurrected within each, any, and all of us.

Their “power” hibernates in our cultures of Me & Now. It waits altruistically until the moment we bump into it in the dark.

Our spherical “museum” of Mortal and Biological Life is literally on fire.

If one day an advanced alien civilization sees the scorched former living surface of this planet, they will never see the beauty of Living Cultural Heritage which was destroyed in the millennia before the final war for mortal power.

IF living remnants of Intellectual Man are still alive at the time, the aliens will certainly take them as slaves and never think-twice about it. To their “truly” advanced intelligence, he will be nothing more than a “savage” life-form (aka animal).

Since Intellectual Man says he believes only in “this” alien supreme intelligence “out there” somewhere and everywhere, we will pose to him this intellectual and scientific challenge.

If your advanced alien species comes to earth tomorrow, what will YOU have to share with them of value? ANY type of value!!!

Your rockets and weapons would be merely their childhood toys and puzzles.

To scientific man, we must demand: Tell us what your alien life form would think of your “intelligence” with the proudly displayed pinnacle of your “brilliance” on full burning and suffering display.

Are you able to see us from your Extra-Terrestrial perspective?

If not. Why not?

A question we give to each of us who harbor “scientific principles” of intellectual truth. As I do.

What can YOU see, through only the perspective of this alien advanced civilization?

This “perspective” is easy to see with just a bi-polar flip of camera angle. However, very hard and painful to look at and into for more than a few seconds.

We as the Global Village must rise and show Intellectual Man the other half of his own universal understanding from the other side of his two-way mirror and camera.

This revolution is about the slightest of tipping points in a change to our way of thinking at the root of all life. Seeds planted here will never die or be eradicated.

We will learn to lead as one. Together we will recruit and hire a priceless few to make sure it stays only that way. We will do this from inception under a very different model of power and control.

Our Board of Stewards will wield all of our power with honor and in service beyond self. This power can be found only where it can be found. The invisible body of voluntary servants “Salt and Peppered” all round this world. The Altruistic among us remain invisibly humble.

These incredible people are literally everywhere. See them. Honor them.

And if they are willing to volunteer their virtuous services, we will pay them a great deal of money as our privilege to serve terms of Stewardship for our Global Village Voice.

This organizational framework represents a revolution above our evolution. Information Technology will gather, hone, and develop our common opinions, thoughts, and mortal beliefs into finely tuned executive orders from all members.

Our trusted Board of Stewards is there for one – and only one – purpose. When 80% of us come to agreement on ANYTHING and everything, our Stewards will deliver the Executive Order publicly and transparently to the Managerial and Operational Stewards of Leadership in OUR organization.

With our Altruistic Best as Stewards, our common will will be done.

The FULL control is ours. We just need to see it and take it.



December 3, 2021 Welcome

Messages of love’s power and strength have been woven into lyrics, poems, and art throughout human history. These musical messages are given to us today in incredible variety. Rap, Country, Opera, 80’s Rock, Techno, R&B, Classic Rock, Oldies, and countless others in between each and all. What “else” each genre brings to the performance table simply does not matter to this Global Village Voice.

Each of us have a very different set of hard and fast preferences on this spectrum of musical style and performance. The reason these messages come in every single genre of music is because love means the same thing to each and every human mind and heart.

We are here to celebrate our common self-evident truths of love and mortal communion of Sisterhood and Brotherhood.

To love is to forgive. The circles of love and forgiveness are too small in our modern and growing culture of Me & Now.

When revolution rises from the socio-economic “bottom up,” it becomes what it has been for all of human civilization: universal suffering, pain, sacrifice, and cultural destruction for the “classes” who were “forced” to take action because the more-comfortable classes “above” would not by choice and/or ignorance.

This is the only “model” of revolution Intellectual Man understands and believes in. The design and strategy is woven so deeply into our many societies that the truth of its birth remains hidden in the ignorant minds of our “haves” of comfortable chattel.

Harriett Tubman spoke this deepest of truths for the mortal mind:

“I saved a thousand slaves. I could have saved a thousand more if they knew they were slaves.”

Are you free and are you comfortable?

Are you comfortable and are you free?

In America and in many free nations, the middle working class involuntarily pay nearly 50% of their earned income in endless layers of taxes, registrations, fees, tolls, etc., at the Federal, State, and County, City, and Township levels.

The American middle-class and below know damned well they are not being “represented,” must less equitably. This while being forced to line the pockets of real estate and securities tyrants in rent, mortgage interest, and fees, and while Tech-Tyrants pillage the full value of their “private” personal information.

Taxation IS merely Tithe from the poor, taken by self-worshiping men. Industry tyrants “lobby” drooling at the fountain of this Tithe and compete ruthlessly over access to it.

Sitting Bull could see it clearly:

“They take tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich who rule.”

A man will steal from Tithe that which he would not steal from a neighbor.

Taxes are Tithes. Period. Intellectual Man dips into the whole in order to serve his own interests and above the greater good.

We have become who we have become.

Each passing generation in denial represents another nail in the coffin of our mortality and natural world.

Do we consider ourselves free?

If so, do we consider the homeless and growing generationally impoverished to be free?

After all, we live under the same “umbrella” of freedom’s protection.

If we are an American of “any” class we are not free. And the relative comfort of our mortal daily existence is oppressing the poor, punishing the poor, and abandoning any hope for our Global Grandchildren’s Grandchildren.

All around this globe, our generationally impoverished living cultural communities are at war. Each in a state of perpetual and overlapping revolutionary and violent power-grabs.

As our musical and lyrical genres and eras validate in solidarity, LOVE is universal to the understanding, appreciation, and protection of who and what we are to one another.

We all share this value in love and our faction, color, creed, etc., distract us from this common truth.

To find love means everything.

To have love means everything.

To lose love means everything and more to a very different set of virtual and spiritual senses.

These truths of love are self-evident to each unique mortal mind.

In this modern culture of Me & Now, love needs bigger circles of reach in each heart and in each faction of hearts.

I am not here to tell you how much bigger we need to make our circles because I don’t and can’t know.

Our giving circles just need to grow.

Intellectual Man (aka you and me) is at THE only mortal crossroads. The implications of our next step are either great, or they are grave. Like it or not, we ARE here.

Whichever of the two roads we take, we will travel together inseparably. It’s just how this mortality thing works.

Revolution by the sword lies beyond our horizon on the left (aka obviously wrong) road. We can’t see the flames, but we all know it is out there waiting for us and/or our still immortal heirs.

The right (aka virtuous) road is far less traveled and will need lots of work widening and leveling it.

Standing here at our common crossroads, let us face our mirrors with both our intellectual and spiritual minds.

Do “we” believe in our Inalienable Rights?

If so, where do “we” believe this endowment is conceived? And does it matter?

The implications of these questions belong to you alone for consideration and evaluation.

The lie of evolution is NOT that it did not happen. The lie of evolution is that it has NOTHING at all to do with our endowed Inalienable Rights “of” Faith and Mortal Belief.

I came from very little in the way of wealth or status. Having risen to what is considered the upper-middle class in America has challenged the roots of my understanding of self and society at large.

The life I have attained is precious to me, and I would not trade it for anything. Now in hindsight I am able to see and understand my “hidden” assets of skin color and gender, which invisibly and immeasurably assisted throughout life’s many struggles and challenges.

I am here to tell you it is possible to be proud of one’s achievements AND embody humility due to advantages unknown and immeasurable. Countless of my poor black male compatriots in this American Society did not live to see their 25th birthday. And each of their mothers suffered dearly before and after.

In our society of haves and have not’s, we justify a class system because anyone can have the “American Dream” if they are willing and able to work for it. Fully half of the truth, this concept is utter nonsense and borderline evil.

Now that I better understand the less than level playing fields, I’ve come to ask myself other very hard questions. Color and gender aside when is enough, enough? And what comes after achieving enough in this life?

These questions seem unanswerable at their surface; however, I’ve come to believe the answers are the key to the survival of our world and our many peoples.

Remember Sitting Bull: “If America had been twice the size, it still would not have been enough.”

In my life after being blessed with “enough”, it is time to work as hard for you as I have for myself in attaining this wonderful life. Serving you part-time for the – hopefully decades – rest of my life is a pleasure and welcome service and duty.

What our civilization needs to thrive and survive, is for everyone who finds themselves with “enough” to unchain their creativity from self-worship and personal empire building. With enough in each of our bags we must seek out service to all Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief.

Governments simply cannot satisfy this need of ours. Our attempts to fill this role with Monarchy, Democracy, Socialism, or Communism will forever ensure tyranny reigns down upon all.

Not long ago, the powers that be of Intellectual Man decided building a “consumer society” was the key to sustained economic development. Whoever those jackasses were, they were correct.

However their and OUR ignorant self-worship remains blind to 99% of the iceberg in consumer power.

The “blind consumer” in endless shots in the dark of industry literally “buys” us gods of men who rape and pillage everything they decide is valuable on this earth. Mortal or not.

Because the consumer economy is woven deep, we have no choice but to re-target and re-imagine our supply chains of consumption. End to end.

The power we hold is unmatched if only we dare to dream of a better day ahead built upon peaceful foundations today.

Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This Global Village Voice belongs to you. I will moderate our forum with the sole purpose of turning over the various topic areas to teams of you with expertise in each area.

The conceptual framework of this Information Technology platform will present little challenge to our growing body of brilliant programmers. We will have, utilize, and enjoy creating an interactive combined e-core of our “Actual Intelligence.” Unlike “his” Artificial Intelligence of one and zeros, ours will be woven into and around billions of mortal and living hearts.

The entire organization and platform must be designed and developed with each member’s input and complete transparency from day one.

You will create something deserving of our trust. You know the right people and the right people know you. You exist everywhere around this world.

Together we will unchain their true potential and it will be awesome to behold.



December 4, 2021 Welcome

There are many examples of Information Technology Platforms having been conceived, designed and developed virtually by dozens of people whom never met in person or visual form from the first step to the last.

Our universe of growing Tech-Brains are tapping this power of bringing together their talent and skill in virtually whole solidarity and common purpose.

These are talented groups of intellectual minds who have learned to give-in to the whole, before beginning the collaboration and development ahead. Power in this “kind” of virtual collaboration builds reality inside the new land of Information Technology.

Together we will “stake claim” to infinite space and time within infinite space and time.

ANYTHING can be built on this new limitless ground.

We are bound only by our ability to envision what IS behind the supremely large shadow or infinitely deep space below the surface.

“WHY” we create has all consequence on this world.

Intellectual Man is trained, indoctrinated, and programmed to chase innovation for personal wealth, personal security, personal comfort, and personal retirement.

We are this programmed mortality and there is nothing we can do about it unless we as one, choose to forgive ourselves in solidarity below all Faith and Belief.

Most of us are not aware that Benjamin Franklin gave all of his inventions to the people and did not want patents for them. Hear, understand and learn to believe his message in these words:

“That as we enjoy great Advantages from the Inventions of others, we should be glad of an Opportunity to serve others by any Invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously."

This man was burdened with many mortal flaws. However he was a good man with a good heart. He was a curious and brilliant mind of science, technology, philosophy, society, and Faith.

Let us hear the intellectual objectivity in his opinions regarding Religion and Faith.

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and Nature.”

“As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of morals and his religion, as he left them to us, to be the best the world has ever seen, or is likely to see. But I believe it has received various corrupting changes, and I am in accord with the present dissenters in England in having some doubts regarding Jesus’s divinity: although it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon the opportunity of knowing the truth with less trouble.”

He believed he would certainly “meet his maker”, and devoted his “professional” life to benefiting all peoples with his intellectual and philosophical mind.

The “Church” branded him a non-believer.

Did he not “live” the Doctrine of all Faith & Belief?

When a man knows and believes he will “meet his maker”, the duty and service to others is effortlessly unchained in the mortal mind.

90% of those who “preach” below podiums of practiced Faith and Belief are charlatans and false-prophets. Sadly too many stand behind podiums in self-worship as well.

Listen to how Benjamin Franklin saw Native American Nations:

“Savages we call them, because their manners differ from ours, which we think the perfection of civility; they think the same of theirs.”

Your mind and mine have two very different occupants inside “each”.

The Intellectually Self-Aware Mortal Mind. And Spiritually Anchored Mind’s Eye of the above and beyond.

Each of us cannot “be” both although both live within. We each must choose one over the other to serve “first”. There is no escaping this choice. The longer we avoid it, the longer and greater our inner-tortured journey to THE choice.

One. Over the other First.

Greater & Common Good. Over the other (aka self) First.

Sight and knowledge beyond self represents self-awareness.

Belief in a Duty to all others beyond self represents supremely more than mere self-awareness.

The “two” within each of us does not represent one, and the same.

This represents the one and only choice that will ever matter to this world, this universe, and this LIFE.

At bare minimum 80% of us on this earth have confronted, challenged, and made THE choice within.

Now. We MUST unite our “choices” under only “your” Doctrine of Common Virtue and Self-Evident Truth.

WE are damned good people. WE “deserve” better than this.

WE, by choice alone, are endowed with “better” than this.

OUR Inalienable Rights, uniquely presented in all Faith and Belief, represents the ONLY Living Doctrine of this Global Village Voice.

Intellectual Man simply cannot be trusted to have and hold this “power” of OURS.

HE IS Incapable. By Evil or Ignorance makes no damned difference to this Global Village Voice.

This Voice of ours knows “first” what we are not. And knows it, never out of order.

The “separation of Church and State” IS preceded by “separation of our two selves” within the confines of all supremely bi-polar minds. Our only prison in this quest for living in Freedom with Fair & Blind Justice for All under laws of men.

Again from my mentor in Benjamin Franklin:

“Let me add, that only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

This one white man of another time, represents merely one of many thousands of recorded wise minds available to our living world.

Together we will breathe new life into all of them through us.

This revolution has everything to do with Faith and Belief because this organization has NOTHING to do your with Faith and Belief. Both protected above, as one.

The Global Village Voice is where WE will choose to separate our two selves, together. And we will do so with the power of billions of identically unique twins.

Here we “give in” to Faith & Belief. Belief in anything we choose to.

Our Global Village is the Mortal Anchor to all of Intellectual Man.

The “chain” will be cut to its originally and supremely intended length.

Faith AND Belief as one, represents the only immortal power to Intellectual Man.

Without it, he (aka WE) start buying into ones and zeros a little too easily.

As we so clearly have. As we so painfully have.

We are killing ourselves. You and We are one and the same.

Here we unchain our intellectual selves to deploy the best and brightest of all space and time.

Faith and Belief are the “future” of humanity, NOT the past. Unless of course we fail the last of all revolutions in “another” generation of growing time. Growing more in burden.

THIS world we live in is NOT our fault. However this world, IS ours.

Only if we choose to believe and practice stewardship and caretaking of all endowed to us on the planet in space and time. The one we now know looks like a Big Blue Marble.

Science and Technology have given us “snapshots” of this other perspective.

Information Technology gives us the ability to see “from” visually beyond. This visual experience, needs more Faith and Belief looking through it.

Information Technology gives us the chance to See and Monitor how Intellectual Man is destroying our Big Blue Marble with an invisible Global Village on it.

Faith and Belief “see” us from THIS bi-polar perspective.

This “perspective” is all this Global Village Voice will ever be. Never less. Never more.

Our Big Blue Marble if only we stake virtual claim to it; represents the “savior” of the entirety of our invisible web of Living Cultural Heritage suffering on our marble.

Faith & Belief now have the virtual “protector” above and beyond Intellectual Man.

A simple place to share our common virtue, and to share our common self-evident truths.

The “center” of Intellectual Man’s universe is the fire and molten core of this marble.

Our Global Village Voice will “move” the center of our universe, right where it belongs. Out there. Right where Intellectual Man is rocketing himself with reckless abandon.

He is literally looking for “something” he will never find.

And he knows it.

If Intellectual Man “believed” he had even a small “shot” at finding advanced civilizations, he would immediately come home to earth, and get his “house” in order.

HE does NOT believe in Advanced Civilizations.

If HE believed in his God, he would have to stop blowing things up and shooting things off while his god damned home is burning itself alive.

Intellectual Man will never believe in a “Creator” of heavens and earths.

Because if he did, he would have much to account for and answer for.

Believing is all our many peoples have in common.

America brought together beautiful peoples, cultures, and faiths.

And American Intellectual Man really did mess things up pretty darned bad.

WE are worth exponentially more, than merely saving.

WE are worth rebuilding.

We owe this worth to all before us.

THAT in service to a Creator.

This is “all” Native American Peoples did a very different “model” of serving “through” in service, first.

The “perspective” was not one of a “golden calf” or even the view from a “mountaintop”.

Service only “through” living and breathing daily practice.

Having “given in” to their Creator of all known and all unknowable, there was no need to gather and worship him in pomp and circumstance, but to serve knowing the “bow” to power means nothing, and everything about what happens “after” the bow AND until the “next” time to bow again to his higher power.

Our human roller-coaster has nothing to do with Faith & Belief.

This roller-coaster is the power struggle between those who bow, and those who will not.

We don’t need to have the same “higher” power in order to serve them all.

WE have sunken into self-worship over a very long time, and overlapping generations of diversity.

We ARE here. The “cat” is out of the bag, and needs to be put back in Schrodinger’s box where it belongs.

It is time to turn around, and share some “bows” of our mortal subjugation.

We either believe in a higher power beyond self, or we remain on the animal branch broken off THE “apple tree” of poor choices.

It is time. We all feel it and don’t want to see it.

Faith and Belief MUST rise and tame the mortal power of Intellectual Man and his backward way of thinking.

Your Faith will show you what to do and when to do it in this Last of All Revolutions.

It always will.

All you have to do is “bow” in action between the scheduled and performed ones.

Our Faith and our Belief is all we will ever have to control Intellectual Man.

Because Intellectual Man is “us”. All of us. Each one and the same at the moment we are reading this.

It is time to bow, and serve.

We can only do this, together in every universal perspective.

Our Global Village Voice will “teach” us who we are, and where we all came from together. All while planting seeds of protection against Intellectual Mans unawareness of self.

Faith IS Evolution, if we take Intellectual Man out of the “worshipping” picture.

We have many beautiful forms of identifying with and serving the supreme power and/or powers.

Faith IS Mortal Life.

Everything less, dances on the animal branch too often today.

We either “believe” in where our Inalienable Rights come from. Or we place them in the hands and back pockets of Intellectual Man.

It is time to let go the broken branch of the Apple Tree with countless Equals on the scale of bad choices.

Our power is our Faith and Belief for one simple reason.

We are “free” to live under this umbrella with a firm grip on the Inalienable Rights endowed above and beyond.

Freedom is something we must want more than anything else.

Freedom will bring us together.

Our Freedom rests above a Republic, and below a Declaration.

This space is infinite mortal power.

Our choice? How do we want to die?

Broken and battered. Or peacefully secure under a blanket of Faith & Belief.

Big change is growing on our horizon.

Intellectual Man just can’t see it. Yet.

We will “correct” his vision in peace and without harm.

Here I will interject another truth we must face together in free nations.

We do not need to “take down” the power of Corporate “Employer Identification Numbers” (EIN) even though men have endowed them with “living rights” in direct and deliberate violation of their Oath of Office and Citizenship Oath to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In no world would a man think a Corporate Entity is “living” and therefore entitled with mortal Inalienable Rights. This “act” of men was nothing short of Treason in the form of Domestic Threat to Liberty and Justice for All.

Giving Corporations living and Inalienable Rights simply allows billionaires to rule this Republic beyond their single Vote and Voice; the same way billionaires do in all other nations who are NOT free. This Constitutional Crime represented the immediate, complete, and permanent disillusion of the power endowed to “We the People” by those who died to give these rights to us. It was a Coup, pure and simple.

Money, Station, and Power allows mostly-white men to castrate your inalienable rights so his heirs will get fatter and meaner than he did.

Again. We do not need to consider and treat Corporations as enemies. Here we will have no enemies.

We simply must see them all for what the “biggest” ones have become.

These Extra-Constitutional Billionaire Powers must be faced with volume and Judgment according to the tenants of Inalienable Rights endowed under Faith & Belief in our common-law of Constitutionally Obvious omissions.

We must face them peacefully and loudly, or we don’t deserve the Freedom we have left.


This Last of ALL Revolutions has nothing to do with individual or corporate wealth.

Power is our Agenda.

The “transfer” of power “back” to the people who own it by singed contractual agreement chained to our spectacular variety of inheritance of Living Cultural Heritage.

Diversity IS Mortality.

And Mortality is killing our Diversity.

Our pigmentation of skin “color” is beautiful. Yet it is used to destroy us all.

When I look into another color face, I see we share everything under this color of our skin.

The last transparent layer on my mortal two-way mirror.

A mirror I now see you beyond and in.

Freedom is nothing more than believing in one another. It has been only this for a very long time.

I believe in you. Because “I” want “you” to be as free as I am. No less. One day hopefully more.

When Americans & Other Consumer Nations step back and see our “diversity”, only then will we be able save our diversity. Along with our countless selves.

Our color is being horribly abused in the Political Colosseums of power. Generational Poverty is growing and spreading.

Black Power IS People Power.

So is white, brown, and all others.

WE are still hung up on the hook of color.

December 6, 2021 Welcome

I began my journey looking for something we all have “in common.” It eventually became clear that I was looking for something which does not and cannot exist.

Mortal commonality below Faith leads only to gods of men as factions formed in earthly common bonds.

The only thing you and I have in common is a unique mind and heart in service to the common tenants of each of our Faiths and Beliefs.

Men interpret “law” to serve themselves. Whether the law is divine, natural, or man-made makes no difference to the mind of Intellectual Man.

“Men seeking power” is the only common mortal challenge to our Faith and Belief beyond self. Our “roller-coaster” make it clearly the only “real” cause of catastrophic failure above gravity.

We are facing a choice that must be made.

We are not permitted to kick this “can” of a choice down the wrong one-way road.

We each have this choice to make, and we must make it together in front of all Creators, all Science, and all Men.

I for one have chosen to swear mortal allegiance to the 80% good in all people of this world and to do so with complete confidence in this path chosen as fundamental and spiritual belief in you.

I am asking you to consider our choices and help us all come to our senses before the window of peaceful revolution closes in upon us.

We all know our Governments and the United Nations will NEVER stop the pain, suffering, and genocide.

What choice do we have but to rise above them in peace and lay the foundation for a Global Village?

What we have in this Global Village Voice is not a “choice” but a welcome opportunity to believe the suffering will one day end.

Our virtual Global Village will be born without the lines between us.

We must no longer ignore our diversity but build upon it and strengthen it.

Revive what Intellectual Man has taken from this world and let him see we are worth more than saving.

Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief IS the only protector of all universal life and therefore the only protector of freedom and justice for each and every one if allowed to flourish and serve that which is greater than self.

When we stand together, and we will by the millions upon millions, Billionaires, Governments and Dictators will be humbled and will cower to our light shining on their Colosseums of injustice, corruption, and insatiable thirst for power and control.

We will show them what lines of men have turned us all into in the grandest portrayal of our Global Village two-way mirrors.

Our mirrors backed by legacies of the truest of leaders humanity has ever known. We will let them see they do not measure up to our scale.

We need only stand. Take this stand. And make this stand for all who cannot.

All must choose before we can march forward.

We will serve “and” wait for our army to be whole and leave no man, woman, or child behind in the darkness.

The poor and suffering. The wealthy and privileged.

Not one of us left behind because we understand that the duty of judgment for who is “deserving” of the journey ahead does not belong to us.

On this path, we leave our self-worship at the crossroads behind us.

Our minds will be free. Hearts whole.

This feeling IS indescribable, although many of history have tried honorably.

Indescribable for one intellectual reason. No two of these “feelings” are alike and never have been. Your journey is unique because your mind is unique.

When we rush our journey or take short-cuts, we arrive in places we are ignorant to well before the corrected-vision work is done to see or understand.

Enlightenment in these premature places, settles onto our heads as a crown in the one-way mirror. Our views from one and all too many false “Mountaintops.”

Please do not throw this page into the social media cancer for “many” different reasons. Each reason poses the only threat to our revolution’s foundation.

Grow this Global Village Voice within. Anchor it within.

Here WE are not in the “hurry-up” world of Intellectual Man. We will protect this platform from becoming a “shiny-object” or perceived-rival to our horde of growing “banana lovers.”

We are not our color, although our color is beautiful and special.

We are not our creed, although each is a wonder of mortality in living action.

WE are our mind’s eye. Each identically unique.

Information Technology empowers our mind’s eyes to communicate with one another in what was once referred to as telepathically supernatural.

I am right here right now. And so are you right now.

Time and space no longer separate us. Language and Governments no longer exist between us.

Intellectual Man must NEVER be allowed to stand between us on his new world of virtual land.

ALL of the highest ground in this new virtual land will belong equally to every mind and every heart on this planet.

We will never “punch down” or “march down.”

We will be the permanent virtual example of the envisioned future of all promises fulfilled.

All will eventually come to this high ground, if we have the discipline to wait for each and help every one when needed and wanted.

When this Global Village Voice speaks, it will speak in all languages, and only all languages. Soon hundreds including braille and sign. Our I.T. Platform will only receive input and votes in all languages.

We will engage in virtual dialogue real-time in all languages. Learning in all languages as one.

I’ve arrived in a perpetual state where I know exactly who I am, with no idea of who I am becoming. My mind is truly free to re-invent “me” at will and I have learned not to resist.

Whatever this “all senses” intellectual and spiritual “state” IS, I want it for you no matter your Faith or Belief. The word “liberating” simply cannot do this justice.

Our minds can be unchained. We need only let them go, from one another within.

Our “chain” IS the mortal choice to simply let go.

Let go and trust those behind you under Faith & Belief.

When we come to “believe” our net of one another’s forgiveness is there to catch us, we are able to set our minds and hearts free to serve all living in faithful “practice” here on earth.

Our minds are tortured. All of our minds face this struggle every day and it grows and grows in crushing strength.

Our few dozen mortal pinnacles of living example can save this world. And they can only save this world through each of us.

How “bad” will things have to get before Intellectual Man decides to bow?

He will never bow. Our human roller-coaster of death and cultural destruction are proof enough of this truth.

Together, we will bow to higher powers than Intellectual Man. Our Global Village will transcend this creature in service to all Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief.

Will Intellectual Man “bow” to the Global Village? Having been one and with him, I believe he will if given the “peaceful” and “harmless” chance with ample room to grow and to see beyond self.

It is time for the good of humanity to rise, stand strong, and be heard loud and clear. This alone in order to avoid what is certainly growing on the “other” horizon of mortality.

Thank you so much for being here and receiving these messages.

The GVV Forum awaits your involvement and/or monitoring and input.

December 9, 2021 Welcome

As controversial as each is, I must present honest opinions if I believe they are integral to our understanding in and of one another.

To my hundreds of millions of global compatriots living and breathing in North America and Europe I say this. Jesus was not Caucasian. Not even tone-close.

Believers or not, we are indoctrinated with the programming to “see” the Caucasian Jesus, because we live in a society born into self-worship from its inception. With “color” out of Intellectual Man’s two-way mirror, he comes to see only himself in the reflection.

If you wish to take your Faith back, consider putting some color on the skin of your savior. When you do, you will strip institutions of Intellectual Man of your God-given power.

All of our worldly “Chosen Ones” of Faith are what they are and were. What lies between us and each of them in history represents Intellectual Man’s interpretation which serves also his mortal power and wealth.

Too few of our worldly Institutions of Faith and Belief have remained true to the original word and intent.

It is simply time to work our way back to the “original word” along with our Institutions of Faith, Belief, and Government.

Intellectual Man took Faith and Belief out of Governments.

So we will empower our Faith and Belief to take back our experiments of Self-Governance.

We will become the best of both worlds. Ours. And not ours.

Two as one, in many.

The carnage of Living Cultural Genocide MUST STOP.

Please stand and be heard with this Global Village Voice.

It is all yours. Unlimited power in service to Faith and Belief of all beautiful and priceless value.

Individual Rights are certainly important. But not if they come at the cost of Living Cultural Heritage under Faith and Belief.

Bodies of Living Cultural Heritage must be endowed with Inalienable Rights above and beyond the individual and institutions of men.

Our imbalance of rights has toppled into overlapping societies drowning in self-worship. I don’t know how exactly to bring us back into balance.

However because our revolutionary window is future-spread and peaceful, I am 100% confident our best, brightest, and most righteous can build a safe and secure path from here to there.

Our single-generation mentality really does blind us to the easiest path ahead. The least painful path. The lease costly path.

One living generation is alone, is blind, is deaf, and is dumb.

Thankfully, expanding our generational horizons is available via choice.

We are beautiful. We are worth so very much more than saving.

When we begin to protect cultural heritage where it lives and breathes, there will be no need to capture it in static museums in time.

When “we” do “that”? Our travels to bear witness to our many bodies of Living Cultural Heritage on this world will be peaceful, safe, mutually beneficial, and supremely harmless.

Our “diversity” is killing us because we are killing our Diversity.

Such a simple reality after the mind is unchained within to Intellectual Man.

The only way to be one people, is to protect our many of all sizes, shapes, colors, and stripes.

The time has come for us to believe in one another, and realize we are not helpless to step in and apply common-sense and virtue into our embarrassing displays of societal self-worship and abuses of power.

One last “serious” message. I can only speak from the American perspective on this one.

We all, to some degree” are heavily programmed to act “against” our common self-interests.

Here is one small but costly example.

Household “recycling programs” in America have a combined "positive" carbon footprint on this planet. If this Intellectual FACT does not bother us, then we are anything and everything BUT champions of Nature and Climate Change.

We are merely dancing and performing chimp-monkeys doing the bidding of the big self-worshipers high above with two bananas. We are his distraction and jester to his power.

Anything dragged kicking and screaming into the Colosseums of Intellectual Man’s power will eventually and certainly lose. Our earth is all the example of this truth we need see.

I have no desire to insult us because WE are ALL programmed to think backward. I wish to awaken us to our twisted reality.

Together, we can do this.

Alone or few? Not even the slimmest of chances.

Since February 28th, 2020 I’ve been learning what it means to be you so I would be able to deliver this gift free of self.

The journey challenged and changed “everything” in me and nothing of the gift. Looking back before that February afternoon one thing is crystal clear. I was “in” way over my head in this life and blind as a bat to it.

In “this” place, voice and tone, it is time for me to say goodbye to you. This is just how the “giving of self” thing works. You do not need me. You have more talent, skills, and abilities in your combined pinky-fingers than I would ever have in a billion lifetimes.

Please do not look back unless you need or want something. Simply ask and I will give you everything I am able to. There is no “need” to look back, because I will be here at your back for the rest of my life with clearly scheduled and invisible “me time” mixed in.

We are one at this number of two. We are equal to billions. We will make this intellectual and spiritual “truth” loud and clear to our one and only Global Village. The rest will be history in virtual books of our Grandchildren’s Granddaughters.

The only way to save the world is to try. Now I understand that “try” is not a one mortal man’s game.

Thank you for being there to believe in. I could not have done any of this without you.

With hope.



P.S. I am well aware of my many “grammatical” violations and affronts to written communication “norms.” Please offer a little “Grammatical Correctness” forgiveness. Our message is all that matters. Learn to see through “me”. It will be harder than you can possibly imagine. But, please try.